Fostering a culture of ethical business practices

The trust of our stakeholders is fundamental to our ability to do business. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all of our business dealings and relationships, everywhere we operate.

We implement and enforce effective systems to counter corruption and bribery and conduct our business to high ethical standards. We have a robust compliance programme based on policies, training, and monitoring.

"The combination of strong governance and a culture of ethical business practices underpins the way we work and sets the foundation for our Sustainable Business Strategy"

Tom Greenwood Group CEO

We operate in countries where there is an elevated risk of bribery and corruption; however our limited interaction with government officials is focused on licences to operate as well as construction and operational permits. We have developed robust policies and procedures to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Our policy is set out in our Code of Conduct, our internal Integrity Policy and our Third Party Code of Conduct.

We are committed to strong compliance against international performance standards and have maintained our accreditations in all four ISO systems that cover Group-wide operations, while also working to address the comparatively low levels of regulation and enforcement in our markets.

We expect our people to uphold our standards and we provide compliance training to all new starters, including an online anti-bribery training module. Periodic refresher courses are given to those in higher risk functions, including commercial, finance and supply chain. We operate a confidential reporting hotline, Confidential Reporting Line, where anyone can raise concerns about actual or potential non-compliance.